
This group merges three previously separate groups into one weekly group in an accessible format for the COVID-19 context.

It balances the three values identified in its title: understanding, creativity, and taking action. Understand! We compassionately listen to understand ourselves, fellow group members, and the larger systems that inform our understanding. Create! We explore understanding with creativity (expressive arts, music, drama, movement). Action!

We challenge internalized ideologies and build our capacity to let our voices be heard and hear the voices of others.

There are three goals for this group:

1) learn how our differences are resources, 2) recognize we do not have to do or be anything to be valued, we are already invaluable, and 3) strengthen social connection. This group takes a social constructionist approach: through language and relationship we construct our future.

To inquire about this group, please contact: connect@relationalcenter.org